This guide will walk you through setting up a cluster in Hyper-V with Failover Cluster Manager and System Centre Virtual Machine Manager
You’ll ideally want 2+ nodes for this
This guide will also run you through using on board local storage, EG Dell BOSS, for boot, and then iSCSI from a SAN for everything else
This has also been tested as part of a live deployment using real world hardware, but this guide will focus on specs for a virtual environment, networking though is the same
Virtual Host Specs – Minimum
4 vCPU
30GB RAM – This gives us enough to run some VMs and test
~80GB Drive for Windows, direct attached
10GB iSCSI drive for Quorum
A drive for VM data, Eg 500GB, iSCSI
10 NICs with a total of 5 networks, these should be redundancy networks, in my lab deployment iSCSI is Teamed, you may also wish to have 2 separate NICs for two fault domains for iSCSI, but the rest should be teamed NICs
- Management
- Live Migration
- Cluster
- VM Traffic
Here is an example host from my deployment, this has slightly beefier specs, here management and VM run of the same /24 network for the Hyper-V Lab, is production the VM traffic may be the same network but is also likely trunked at the switch level for VM VLAN tagging
But generally your Hyper-V host should really look like a switch for the networking
Important – By continuing you are agreeing to the disclaimer here
Stage 1 – Preparation
1.1 – Hyper-V Installation
First you’ll need a standard install of Windows server
To install Hyper-V you need to add the role to your server, open Server manager and on the top right click Add Roles Or Features
Click next here
Keep the default role or feature based installation
Select a server from the pool, if you have a pool, if not like I do, your server will already be selected
Check Hyper-V here
And then add the features
Click next here, we dont need any features
Click next again
I am skipping over the networking, as I will be setting that up later, so just click next here
Leave this blank, even if you are clustering Hyper-V you want to set this up later
You can specify the default storage location here, I will be using an iSCSI disk from a SAN, so I am leaving tis blank as that disk isnt mapped yet
Then hit install
Then reboot your host and Hyper-V will be installed
1.2 – Enabling MPIO
For a Windows server to be able to map an iSCSI disk it needs to have the role for Multipath IO added from server manager
Open server manager and add a role or feature
From there click next till you get to the features, add Multipath IO
Then next, next again and install
1.3 – Mapping Disks
Now that iSCSI has been added we need to map the disks to the server, open MPIO
Add support for iSCSI devices and click ok
Then open the iSCSI initiator settings
If the iSCSI service isnt running, enable it
From here we can use dynamic discovery by adding the IP of our target, and using Quick Connect
Once you click Quick Connect, we can add the targets, I am mapping the Hyper-V target
Now it will show as connected
Then from PowerShell, claim the disks for MPIO to fully use with
mpclaim -r -i -a “”
From disk manager you can then bring the disk online
Initialise the disk
Setup a GPT partition
And create a new volume
You’ll need to create a new NTFS or ReFS partition to be able to use the disk in CVS later on
1.4 – Enabling Jumbo Frames
To do this edit this interface from the network and sharing centre, I will be editing my iSCSI NICs, before creating the team, this is Ethernet4/5
Then properties
Click configure
Then under advanced you can enable jumbo frames
Then create your team, as this inherits the MTU of the adapters
To test this, ping the iSCSI IP with a high MTU with this command
ping <iSCSI-IP> -f -l <MTu>
A good value for an iSCSI network, which should have an MTU of 9000, is an MTU of 8800
1.5 – Failover Clustering Installation
To install Fail Over Cluster Manager you need to add the Feature to your server
Open server manager and add a role or feature in the top right
Click next
Next again, making sure your server is selected
Next over the roles
Check failover clustering
Click add features
Then install
1.6 – Setting Up NIC Teaming
For redundancy you will want to configure NIC teaming to use 2 physical ports for one connection
I am going to setup NIC teaming for my Windows Server management
From the local server in Server manager, enable NIC teaming
Ensure your server is selected at the top
Then lets create a new task to add a teaming for management and select our NICs
Lets name the Team, ensure the right NICs are being used, I want active passive, so Ethernet1 is setup as standby, and I am leaving the VLAN as the default, as the switch these hosts connect to has the VLAN sorted
Once its done it should look like this
If you had management configured on Ethernet0, like I do, this will wipe it and you need to configure the networking for the Team, Management, via control panel
1.7 – Setting Up A Teamed vSwitch
You’ll need two adapters for this, not in any Team, as Hyper-V has deprecated LBFO, this needs to be done via PowerShell and will setup an active passive setup with both NICs able to do traffic with the throughput of 1 NIC
To see your NICs with their names for the command to create a vSwitch use
First, disable VM queues on the NICs you want to use on the Team with
Disable-NetAdapterVmq -Name “NICx”
Disable-NetAdapterVmq -Name “NICy”
For me, I am ising Ethernet2 and Ethernet3 so my command is
Disable-NetAdapterVmq -Name “Ethernet2”
Disable-NetAdapterVmq -Name “Ethernet3”
To create a new vSwitch use the following substituting NICx and NICy for the NICs you want to use, you can add NICz for example if you want more
New-VMSwitch -Name “<vSwitch Name>” -NetAdapterName “NICx”,”” -EnableEmbeddedTeaming $true -AllowManagementOS $false
I am using Ethernet2 and so my command is
New-VMSwitch -Name “VM Data” -NetAdapterName “Ethernet2″,”Ethernet3” -EnableEmbeddedTeaming $true -AllowManagementOS $false
If you check the adapters now, you will see the new adapter
You can see the vSwitch in Hyper-V switch manager, but you cant manage it, it is also using both NICs despite not showing it
If you use ipconfig to view the DHCP IP assigned to that new adapter, the pings work with no drops if you disable the 2 adapters one at a time, this works only if you have -AllowManagementOS $true, which I used for testing the redundancy out, if management allowed is false, it wont have an IP
You can also view the switch with
1.8 – Setup WAC (Optional)
Firstly, download the latest Windows Admin Centre From here
And join your WAC server to the domain
Run the executable, and select the diagnostic data
Enable Microsoft updates
Click next here
Leave the defaults here, and click next
Leave the default port as 443 and generate a self signed certificate unless you want a specific certificate
When you log in, it will update all extensions for you
You will also want to add Teams for configure the IPs for iSCSI, Live Migration and Cluster networks like management, Live Migration/Cluster should be separate non routable networks, for Live migration I would recommend using Active/Standby
Stage 2 – Failover Cluster Manager
2.1 – Creating The Cluster
Open the failover cluster manager app
Click create cluster on the right
Add the servers you want to use to a cluster
Keep it on yes to validate the cluster, this will tell you if there are any glaring issues
Click next
Next again to run all tests
And next one last time to start it
Double check any issues it might have, and if they likely wont impact the cluster, name your cluster
I want to configure the storage manually later, so I have unchecked the box, once you are happy click next
Once its done it will give you an overview
2.2 – Deploying The CSV
Once you have nodes added to failover cluster manager and a cluster setup, you can deploy CSV volumes from iSCSI storage
And add a disk on the right
I have 1 500GB drive I plan to use for VMs
What you’ll notice is that only those one disk shows, despite being shared via iSCSI to all 3 nodes, and 1 node controls the disk, so the 500GB drive only appears once
If you were to open disk manager, you’ll notice disk 1 is offline and is reserved and offline and cannot be brought online, this is normal
Now the cluster disk is available with HyperV3 as the owner node
If we right click it, we can add it to a Cluster Shared Volume
Now you can see its assigned to the Cluster Shared Volume, and the owner node has changed, this will happen from time to time
The disk registered in disk manager as a CSVFS disk now, rather than something more traditional like NTFS, this is because a different file system that is shared volume aware is needed, like VMware’s VMFS
The disks dont get mounted onto This PC like normal drives, they are locked under C:\ClusterStorage
If we right click the volume and go to properties we can rename the volume to what ever you want
This is off my TrueNas server on a pool called Luna, so I have named it accordingly, this can be whatever you want though
2.3 – Cluster Networking
Under networks in Failover Cluster Manager you’ll see any networks with IP addresses the cluster can use
Its worth noting the SET Team vSwitch we created earlier will NOT show up here as it doesnt have an IP and is for clients only, so thats normal
Cluster networks will often be for you iSCSI, Management, Cluster Heartbeat and Live Migration Networks, I have renamed a couple, but you should have 4, one network for everything except the vSwitch
You can see at the bottom if you click a network which it is
You can also verify by the adapters present in the network
So this is my management network, to name it right click it and go to properties
Here you can also also make sure to allow cluster network communication on this network for the Cluster Heartbeat network, I’d leave this enabled as a backup
iSCSI, this just needs naming, and everything else disabling
Live Migration, this just need cluster communication
Lastly, cluster, this should also only be cluster communication
2.4 – Enabling Live Migration
For this, you’ll want a redundancy NIC team on a separate isolated network thats available in the network list from Failover Cluster Manager
Under the networks section on the left
Click Live Migration Settings on the right
And check the network you have for live migration, I have renamed the networks from the default names to match their use
Then click ok
2.5 – Setting Up The Quorum Drive
First online and initialize the Quorum iSCSI disk with a GPT partition from disk manager
Then add the disk to storage, but do NOT add to cluster shared Volumes, so just click add disk and select the Quorum disk
You can then also re name the drive, I have named mine Quorum
Format it onto a letter, such as D, like so
Then, configure the cluster Quorum settings, buy right clicking the cluster
When going through the wizard, select select the Quorum Witness to manually select the drive
Configure a disk witness
Select the quorum disk you have added earlier
Then click next here to confirm
Then finish
The disk is now showing as assigned to disk witness in quorum, so everything is working as expected here
2.6 – Adding/Changing The Cluster IP
By default when you create a Hyper-V cluster, the cluster IP will be added via DHCP, if you want to change this, or set it static, open failover cluster manager, select the cluster and scroll to Cluster Core Recourses
Click the IP address and then properties on the right
Set the IP static and make sure you have the right network selected, my management is on
If your network is not selected make sure your management network is on cluster and client
2.7 – Cluster Validation Errors
Here are some solutions to common validation errors when creating the cluster
2.7.1 – The Cluster Network Name Doesnt Have Create Computer Objects Permissions
The error you’ll see for this is
The cluster network name <cluster-name> does not have Create Computer Objects permissions on the Organizational Unit <Ad Path And Details> This can result in issues during the creation of additional network names in this OU.
To fix this you need to give the cluster entry the correct permissions in AD
Go to the location of the Hyper-V servers in AD, for me this is under Lab/Devices/Servers
It will have created an entry for the cluster, mine is called Lab-Cluster
This entry needs special permissions to the OU its in
Open View and Enable Advanced Features
So to fix this, I am going to edit the permissions of the Servers OU
Right click the OU and go to properties
Then security and click advanced
Click Add here, on the bottom left
Select principle
Click object types
Check computers
Add the entry for your cluster my cluster is called Lab-Cluster
Ensure Create Computer Objects, on the bottom left, is selected, ensure it also has read all properties, and to enable to all dependents, ie inheritance
Click ok and apply
2.7.2 – Network Adapter Has RDMA Enabled On The Adapter
Networks that are isolated may give the following error
Network Adapter <Network Name> on Node <host> has RDMA enabled on the adapter, but SMB Client is does not view this adapter as RDMA Enabled
If you do not need RDMA, you can disable this, on my setup, this flagged on the iSCSI, Live Migration And Cluster networks, so we can disable this
You can disable it via PowerShell with
Disable-NetAdapterRdma -Name <Adapter-Name>
2.8 – Add Cluster To WAC (Optional)
Once you have WAC installed you can add a Hyper-V Cluster from the add section
Then select cluster and add
Add the cluster name, this should match to Windows DNS for the cluster IP, and give an admin account if asked
This will also add your Hyper-V hosts, click add
Now the cluster and Hyper-V nodes are showing in WAC
Stage 3 – Setting Up SCVMM (Optional)
This part covers setting up SCVMM, you dont need SCVMM at this point, you can manage your cluster via Failover Cluster manager and WAC, but if you have multiple clusters and have the license for SCVMM this section will walk you through setting it up
3.1 – SCVMM VM Setup
To Deploy VMM you’ll need a dedicated VM with at least 16GB of RAM
Lets create this on one of our Hyper-V hosts, go to the right on the host and select New/Virtual Machine
Select a node
Name the Machine and select the location, you’ll want to use the CSV for this
Select the generation
Add the RAM, you need 16384 as a minimum
Specify the Network
Add a virtual Hard Disk, 128GB should be enough
Add a Windows server ISO
Next, right click the VM and go into Settings
Change the number of CPU cores to 4, the default is 1
Also add an extra disk to the machine for SQL which should be 750GB, go to the VM settings and select the SCSI controller and add a hard disk
Click new to create a new virtual disk
Select dynamically expanding for thin provisioned, or fixed size for thick
Select the disk name and location
And lastly make it 750GB
Right click and start the VM, and then connect to it and install Windows Server
3.2 – Installing Software Prerequisites
Install run the following to download all the exe and msi files to C:\Temp
$tempFolderName = "Temp"
$tempFolder = "C:\" + $tempFolderName +"\"
$itemType = "Directory"
$visualC2017x64Url = ""
$visualC2017x64Exe = $tempFolder + "VC_redist.x64.exe"
$msodbcsqlUrl = ""
$msodbcsqlMsi = $tempFolder + "msodbcsql.msi"
$msSqlCmdLnUtilsUrl = ""
$msSqlCmdLnUtilsMsi = $tempFolder + "MsSqlCmdLnUtils.msi"
$adkUrl = ""
$adkExe = $tempFolder + "adksetup.exe"
$adkWinPeUrl = ""
$adkWinPeExe = $tempFolder + "adkwinpesetup.exe"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $visualC2017x64Url -OutFile $visualC2017x64Exe
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $msodbcsqlUrl -OutFile $msodbcsqlMsi
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $msSqlCmdLnUtilsUrl -OutFile $msSqlCmdLnUtilsMsi
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $adkUrl -OutFile $adkExe
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $adkWinPeUrl -OutFile $adkWinPeExe
Then install everything everything thats downloaded
Run the VCresist Exe
Then install the ADKWINPETUP
Specify the location and hit next
Click next here
Click accept here
Then click install
Install the asksetup
Specify the install location
Accept or decline the privacy page
Accept the EULA
Click install
Then install the ODBC setup
Click next here to begin installation
Accept the EULA
Click next here on the defaults
Then install to finish
3.3 – Setting Up The DKM Container
Connect to your DC and open ADSI edit
Right click ADSI edit and go to connect to
Connect to the default naming context
Expand your domain, go to CN=Systsem, right click and create a new object
Create a container and click next
Name the object, eg VMMDKM and click next
Then click finish
Then right click the container, and go to properties
Go to security, then advanced
Click add
Add the VMM service account with full permissions for the container
Then, ok and ok again to apply and close
Go into the properties of the container again, and double click distinguished name
Make a note of this for during the installation
Eg mine is
3.4 – Installing SQL
For VMM 2022, we will be using SQL 2022
Sign into the service account before installing SQL and make sure its in the local administrators group
Mount and open the ISO and run the setup.exe
Click installation
Then click new SQL standalone installation
Enter a product key, you can use the evaluation free license for testing
Accept the EULA
Check using Microsoft update to update SQL
Check the install tests for anything, the warning here is because the windows firewall is enabled, so it will need the to allow the right communication
We can uncheck the Azure extension, unless you explicitly need it
Select the Database Engine Services
Change the instance root directory to the SQL Drive, I have mine mounted on S
Create a named instance and instance ID, these should be the same
Leave the service account as stock, as this is an isolated instance, so it doesnt need a domain service account
Stick with Windows authentication mode and add the VMM/SQL service accounts to have full access
Once you’re happy, click install
Now install the management tools from the ISO by clicking the link
Then scroll down and click the link here to download it
Run the executable
Then click install
When connecting to the DB, make sure you click trust certificate as its self signed
Lastly install the SQL command line utilities from here
Download the x64 version here
Run the executable, then hit next
Accept the EULA
Then install
3.5 – Installing SCVMM
You can download SCVMM from here
Run the executable and click next
Accept the EULA
Set an installation path, I am using C for VMM and S for SQL, then click extract
Then run the setup from the C:\System Centre Virtual Machine Manager
From the install screen, click install
Select both the Management server and the console to install
Add a name and your license key details, entering no key gives you a 180 day trial
Accept the EULA
Click next here
Enable Microsoft Updates
Select an installation location and click next, you may wish to put this on another drive for a production system
As the SQL server is local, the defaults here are fine, assuming you are logged in with the SCVMM service account, if not tick the use following credential box, and enter it, or re log in as that account
Click next
Give the SCVMM service account and password as well as the path for the DKM container from earlier
Leave the ports as default
Specify a library location – for production you ideally want the base install from above on another drive, so this location will change as you dont want it on C
When you are happy click install
3.5.1 – SPN Issues Post Installation
If you get an error about SPN installation after VMM is installed, such as
The Service Principal Name (SPN) could not be registered in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) for the VMM management server.
Then you need to run the following as a domain admin
setspn -u -s SCVMM/<MachineBIOSName> <VMMServiceAccount>
setspn -u -s SCVMM/<MachineFQDN> <VMMServiceAccount>
For a cluster, <MachineBIOSName> should be <ClusterBIOSName> and <MachineFQDN> should be <ClusterFQDN>
On the VMM server (or on each node in a cluster), in the registry, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager Server\Setup.
Set VmmServicePrincipalNames to SCVMM/<MachineBIOSName>,SCVMM/<MachineFQDN>. For a cluster: SCVMM/<ClusterBIOSName>,SCVMM/<ClusterFQDN>
Lastly run
<Install-Path>\setup\ConfigureSCPTool.exe -install
Eg – Where SCVMM is installed to D:\SCVMM
D:\SCVMM\setup\ConfigureSCPTool.exe -install
To configure SCP
3.6 – Updating SCVMM
To patch SCVMM to 2022 Update Rollup 2 you will need to grab the server update here and the console update here
For this guide we will be taking a base SCVMM 2022 install to 2022 Update Rollup 2
First, do the VMM Server update
Double click the CAB file, and right click the msp and extract it, ive extracted it to my downloads
Open PowerShell as an admin and run
msiexec.exe /update <packagename>
Ensuring you have the MSP for the VMM Server as the package, not the CAB file
Click ok here, this will automatically close anything open the update needs closing
Repeat for the console CAB you downloaded, running the msiexec for the MSP
3.7 – Adding A Cluster
Go to fabric on the bottom right, and click add resources
Then Hyper-V hosts and clusters
Then select the top option for Windows servers on the domain
Select specify credentials and give the VMM Service Account, this should be added to the local administrators group on the Hyper-V hosts
Specify the cluster
Check the cluster here, and then click next
Add them to the all hosts group, we can move them later if needed
Click finish